PSHE Curriculum Team
Fiona Wilkes - PSHE Leader
PSHE Curriculum Intent
Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is a statutory curriculum subject which provides children with the key skills, knowledge and attributes to keep safe, stay healthy and prepare them for life and work as adults. At Shireland Hall PSHE incorporates the statutory Relationships Education (Primary) curriculum.
PSHE underpins our core aims at Shireland Hall for children to become confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens. The teaching and learning of PSHE is fundamental to children becoming well-balanced individuals and is a prerequisite for achieving both academically and non-academically as adults.
The PSHE offer at Shireland Hall Primary Academy:
PSHE education is a timetabled programme of study that is broad and balanced to meet the needs and ability of our children and in the context of our school and the wider community
All lessons are based on one of our core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World
Each year group will cover the same themes, however the content delivered is progressive so that children build upon prior skills to develop their knowledge
These principles provide our children with the opportunity to learn and develop positive dispositions when faced with everyday life challenges such as friendships, emotional well being, relationships and safety both on and and off line
Through positive discussions, role play and group tasks the children are encouraged to reflect upon both appropriate and inappropriate values, behaviours and attitudes, to prepare them for life now and in the future
We provide the children with termly Values Days to cover key content such as: Rules and Responsibilities, British Values and Safeguarding Education
We have expert visitors such as police officers and nurses to share information and support children to develop their knowledge and understanding about relationships, health and wellbeing and how to stay safe