Religious Education

R.E Curriculum Team

Nosheen Hasan and Nafeesa Parveen - R.E Leaders

Religious Education

Religious Education at Shireland Hall Primary Academy prepares pupils for living in a multi-faith society, it offers opportunities for reflection, and it challenges pupils to consider, analyse and evaluate issues.  It also allows for students to find similarities and differences between various religions, focussing on core values and ethics. High-quality RE should allow children to develop respect, tolerance and empathy for their religion and people who choose to believe in something different. It also promotes critical values of society such as truth, justice and respect, it contributes to pupils Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) development and PSHE education. The purpose of Religious Education does not include any attempt to alter a child’s beliefs, reflecting the inclusive ethos of the school, but to broaden their understanding about human differences and to develop critical thinking, effective questioning and curiosity that helps to create confident individuals as well as responsible citizens. 

With such a broad and diverse religious and cultural population, children at Shireland Hall Primary Academy  are already better equipped than many, but our Religious Education curriculum looks to teach not just ‘about Religion’ but ‘from Religion’ through enquiry based questions that seek to develop knowledge and understanding through exploration and application. Teaching RE at SHP creates an atmosphere to challenge stereotypes, thus creating a positive and inclusive community.