New Starters

Our school Day

Our school day starts at 8.30am. If a child arrives after 8.45am they will be classed as late and will need to go to the late door. During the day they get a 15 minute break and also 1 hour lunchtime, between lessons. The school finishes for students at 3.15pm. There are after school clubs available and these are regularly updated.

We also run a breakfast club from 7.45 until the start of the school day and after school club that runs in two parts, until 4.30pm and until 6pm.  Please contact the school office for more information.  These places are limited and operate on a first come first serve basis, however we always try to support our families where we can.

Parent Pay

Our school is a cashless school. What this means is we do not collect paper cash or coins from parents to pay for relevant things. All payments are done through a cashless system called Parent Pay. Parent pay will be used to pay for school meals, trips, charity donations, after school clubs and more. Please sign up to parent pay here with the link below:

Free School meals

School meals are free for all children in Year 2 or under. If your child is in Year 3 or above, they may be eligible for free school meals depending on numerous factors. To find out if your child is eligible for free school meals, please click the link

Reception Induction Video

Copy of Reception Induction.mp4

Absence during Term Time

Holidays_in_Term_Time (2).pdf