Science Curriculum Team
Anja Pawson – Science Leader
Science Curriculum Intent
At Shireland Hall we believe that all children are natural born scientists, with an innate curiosity to ask and answer questions about the world, ourselves and nature. We endeavour to nurture every child’s enquiring mind by providing them with awe inspiring experiences that expand their factual knowledge and establish their ability to work scientifically.
Children will be provided with engaging and motivating lessons to learn about their world.
Teachers will provide hands on learning experiences by ensuring children engage with a range of experiments that challenge misconceptions.
Children will learn different methods of scientific enquiry and scientific vocabulary.
As children progress through key stage 2, they will develop a deeper understanding of scientific phenomena by planning and carrying out their own investigations.
Children will discuss relevant scientific topics from the news.
Children will make links between the science they are learning and different careers.
Children will leave school with firm foundations in scientific knowledge and skills, so they are ready for the next chapter in their education and beyond.
Science Assessment Grid
This outlines year group expectations for an age related scientist. We will use these statements to assess the competency of our children in different areas of science.